To allow parish councillors to review some planning applications that had tight response windows, two meetings of the planning subcommittee were held in August.
August 9th
(the minutes of the meeting on the 9th are also available in PDF form)
Those present were:
- Giles Scott, Chairman;
- Andrew Pett, Parish Councillor;
- Nick Ginn, Vice Chairman;
- Vikki Murphy, Parish Councillor;
- Michael Capps, Parish Councillor;
- Nigel Day, Parish Councillor;
- Catherine Fox, Clerk;
And 0 members of the public
1. The meeting was opened at 7:30 pm with a silent prayer.
2. Apologies. Apologies were received from Councillor King and Councillor Catmur.
3. Declarations of Interest. Councillor Day declared an interest in item 5.2 on the agenda as a neighbouring land owner.
4. Open Forum There were no members of the public who wished to make comment on the planning applications for discussion.
5. Planning
Minor loft conversion with associated roof windows (over the permitted development volume).
43 Audley Close Great Gransden Sandy SG19 3RL
Councillors unanimously agreed to recommend ‘Approval’ of the application on the grounds that the proposed works did not alter the shape or footprint of the building nor were they detrimental to the overall street scene. (Proposed Councillor Capps, seconded Councillor Ginn)
2. Possible breach of conditions at site on Mandene Gardens, Great Gransden 17/00979/FUL
It had been brought to the attention of the Parish Council that a sizeable spoil heap now lies outside of the fenced-off area marked on the revised site plan. Additionally, the fencing that had been erected to protect the area beyond the site has been taken down. Clerk will contact HDC to raise these concerns with the enforcement team.
During the course of discussions around planning breaches, it was proposed by Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Scott and unanimously agreed, that powers be delegated to the Chair/Vice Chair to make relevant enquiries outside of Parish Council Meetings. This is so that complete and accurate information is available to the full Council for discussion helping to expedite any associated course of action required.
6. Next Meeting The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council has been arranged for Monday 6th September 2021 at 7.30 pm.
23rd August
(the minutes of the meeting on the 23rd are also available in PDF form.)
Those present were:
- Nick Ginn, Vice Chairman;
- Vikki Murphy, Parish Councillor;
- Michael Capps, Parish Councillor;
- Nigel Day, Parish Councillor;
- Peter King, Parish Councillor;
- James Catmur, Parish Councillor;
- Catherine Fox, Clerk;
And 0 members of the public
In Cllr Scott’s absence, the meeting was chaired by Cllr Ginn.
1. The meeting was opened at 7:40 pm with a silent prayer.
2. Apologies. Apologies were received from Cllr Pett and Cllr Scott.
3. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.
4. Open Forum There were no members of the public who wished to make comment on the planning applications for discussion.
5. Planning
Erection of Replacement Dwelling and Garage
Collings Bungalow Potton Road Great Gransden St Neots PE19 6TZ
Councillors unanimously agreed to recommend ‘Approval’ of the application on the grounds that the proposed works were not overbearing and were suitable for the overall plot size providing a modern replacement for an older building. (Proposed Cllr Capps and seconded by Cllr Catmur)
T1 Horse Chestnut: Reduce crown over neighbours by 2.5 metres to balance crown, reduce over road by 1 metre prune to clear phone lines and thin remaining crown by circa 20%. These works will balance the crown of the tree and enhance its appearance additionally reducing wind load on crown and allowing light to properties.
40 West Street Great Gransden Sandy SG19 3AU
Councillors unanimously agreed to recommend ‘Approval’ of the application on the grounds that the proposed works constituted sensible maintenance of a village tree. (Proposed Cllr Ginn and seconded by Cllr Capps)
The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council has been arranged for Monday 6th September 2021 at 7.30 pm. The meeting closed at 7:57pm.