Following the receipt of eight nominations for Parish Councillors, the election held on 5th May 2022 was uncontested. A vacancy for a ninth councillor remains and the Parish Council will…
On the 15th April the Locum Parish Clerk, Diane Taylor, called an additional meeting of the Parish Council, primarily to address a planning application (as any response to the application…
The parish Council has prepared a detailed response to questions raised by a group of residents about the MUGA, including commercial use and noise levels. This response is attached in…
(These minutes are available in PDF form for offline reading and printing. Please note that all minutes are draft until approved at a subsequent Parish Council meeting.) GREAT GRANSDEN PARISH…
The locum Parish Clerk, Diane Taylor, published the agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting on 15th of April; a copy is given below, and you can also download a PDF…
Nominations forthe May 5th elections are now closed, and as only 8 people put their name forward for consideration (for a total of 9 positions), no election will be held.…
From the locum parish clerk, Diane Taylor, 30 March 2022: The Next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in The Reading Room on Monday 4th April 2022 at…
(These minutes are available in PDF form for offline reading and printing. Please note that all minutes are draft until approved at a subsequent Parish Council meeting. These minutes were…
From the locum parish clerk, Diane Taylor, 2 March 2022: The Next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in The Reading Room on Monday 7th March 2022 at…