Minutes of the May 2022 meeting

The Parish Council held a regular monthly meeting on the 18th of May (slightly delayed so as to be following the elections scheduled for earlier in the month). The minutes follow below, and are also available in PDF format using this link.

Minutes of the May 18 meeting

Those present were:

Andrew Pett Vice Chairman                                                            Cathy Davis Parish Councillor

Diane Taylor Locum Clerk                                                                  Nigel Day Parish Councillor

Michael Capps Parish Councillor                                                      Chris Bane Parish Councillor

Alan Rowbotham Parish Councillor                                                 

and 8 members of the public

1. Parish Councillors having signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, the meeting was opened at 7.33 pm with a silent prayer.

2. Election of Chairman.  It was proposed by Andrew Pett, seconded by Michael Capps and carried unanimously that Nick Ginn be elected chairman.  It was agreed that Nick Ginn sign the appropriate Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the next meeting on 6th June.  In his absence, councillors proposed that Andrew Pett chair the meeting.

3. Apologies.  Apologies were received from District Councillor Richard West, County Councillor Stephen Ferguson and Parish Councillors Nick Ginn and James Catmur.

4. Declarations of Interest.  Councillor Day declared an interest in item 14, Mandene Gardens Play Area as owner of the adjoining land bordering the brook.

5. Election of Officers. 1. Vice Chairman.  It was proposed by Councillor Bane, seconded by Councillor Day and carried unanimously that Andrew Pett be elected vice chairman.  The remaining officer elections were taken and unanimously agreed so that:

2. Nigel Day elected Cemetery Manager. (Proposed Michael Capps, seconded Andrew Pett)

3. Andrew Pett elected Playing Field Manager. (Proposed Andrew Pett, seconded Nigel Day)

4. Cathy Davis elected to the Reading Room Management Committee. (Proposed Cathy Davis, seconded Andrew Pett)

5. Michael Capps elected representative to the Gransden Society.(proposed Michael Capps, seconded Andrew Pett)

6. Nick Ginn and Andrew Pett elected Sportsfield Representatives. (Proposed Michael Capps, seconded Andrew Pett)

7. Michael Capps appointed Tree Warden. (Proposed Michael Capps, seconded Andrew Pett)

8. Nick Ginn elected representative to the Little Gransden Airfield Consultative Committee and also to the Gliding Club Consultative Committee. (Proposed Andrew Pett, seconded Michael Capps)

9. Nigel Day elected Communications Officer. (Proposed Nigel Day, seconded Andrew Pett)

6. Minutes of the previous monthly meetings held on 4th April 2022 and 21st April 202 had been circulated. These minutes were approved and signed accordingly by the Vice Chairman. The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 21st April 2022 were approved for recommendation to the next year’s Annual Parish Meeting and initialled by the Vice Chairman.  

7. OPEN FORUM.  The meeting was closed for fifteen minutes.  A resident spoke about the Muga being used beyond the closing time of 8.30pm, with the high level of noise affecting the enjoyment of their own garden.  A resident of a nearby village spoke of the noise from low flying aircraft following a change in airspace for Luton airport.  A group had been formed which has been gathering data over the past month; 95% of the 3,000 aircraft recorded were below 9,000ft and 75% below 8,000ft.  There is an issue over government policy of placing aircraft over a rural area.  The group is gathering the support of local Parish Councils and a public meeting has been called for 5th July at 7.30pm, Little Gransden Village Hall.  The group is looking to build a data driven case to put to Nats; the initial consultation was rushed and is now at the post implementation review stage.  Cllrs West and Ferguson are involved and information will be advertised in Roundabout.  Cllr Pett suggested that Cllr Catmur may be interested in being nominated as the Parish Council link with the group.  

8. Matters Arising: 

8.1. Neighbourhood Development Plan. Councillor Pett reported on the progress of the NDP. The steering group is now dealing with all the comments made by residents and the businesses in the area and these will be sent to HDC.  The members of the steering group will continue to be Parish Council led, with Councillors Pett, Day and Catmur.  Former parish councillor Peter King along with David Prest will also continue as members of the group.  Councillors agreed the proposal for the steering group to remain the same.

8.2. Multi-Use Games Area. Councillor Pett confirmed the missing bolt had been replaced.  The commercial user of the site changed his website and is no longer showing the MUGA as a location for circuit training. 

8.3. Playground Area.  Councillor Davis reported that it was proving difficult to obtain a third quote. 

8.4. Jubilee Tree.  Councillor Capps reported that the new tree had been planted and was looking smart.

8.5. Risk Assessments.  Councillor Day reported that he was continuing to investigate the setting up of an online system via the website for councillors to record risks and repairs.  The matter will be considered at the next meeting.

8.6. Recruitment of Replacement Clerk/RFO.  A number of councillors had met with the clerk of a nearby village who has expressed an interest, although may not be in a position to start until after the summer.  Councillor Pett agreed to follow this up.

9. Parish Council Insurance 2022/23. The renewal quote from BHIB Councils Insurance had been circulated. The policy continues to cover the Reading Room and the remainder of the Parish Council’s assets and last year a 3-year undertaking had been taken out with the insurers. The renewal premium is £1,631.66 inclusive of the 3-year undertaking.  It was proposed by Cllr Capps, seconded by Cllr Pett and carried unanimously to continue the policy with BHIB.

10. Reading Room Cottage Insurance 2022/23.  Councillors considered the renewal premium and sums assured. Due to the specialist nature of the insurance policy required and in line with previous years, only one quote has been sought. The renewal premium is £581.95, an increase of £86.90 on last year’s premium of £495.05 and includes a mutual bonus saving of £91.69.  The increase had been discussed with the insurer, which was due to the index linking of rebuild costs. 

Approval was proposed by Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Capps and unanimously agreed.

11. Cemetery Trees.  A contractor has already been appointed for the cemetery tree work which will be carried out as soon as the relevant permissions have been granted.  Since then, an additional tree has failed and the original contractor has provided a quote for £110 to fell this tree. Councillors unanimously approved the quote.  (Proposed Councillor Capps, seconded Councillor Pett).  

12. Financial Statement for April 2022.  The sheet filed as Appendix 1 had been circulated.  The statement was unanimously approved and signed by the vice chairman.  Councillors also noted the budget review as at the end of April 2022.

13. Cheques for approval and Approval of Reading Room Fence Quote.  At last month’s meeting, 2 quotes had been obtained to replace the fence and gate between the cottage and the Reading Room.  The work became urgent and the work was carried out by RS Fencing as per the original quote to include the option of concrete posts. 

With the exception of item 4, the following payments were approved:

(Proposed Councillor Pett, seconded Councillor Day)

Payments previously approved and paid since 4th April 2022

(Approved at item 9 of minutes dated 21st April 2022

1.         Repayment of NDP Grant                                                                  £3562.29

Cheques/ Bank Transfers payable April 2022                                   

1.         RFO expenses for April 2022                                                             £24.38

2.         HMRC – PAYE (period ending 5th June 22)                                      £0.00

3.         NFU Mutual                                                                                       £581.95

4.         CLPM                                                                                                 £473.40 not approved

            (Deposit fee RR – Heating Consultancy Service)

5.         Mr R McIntosh                                                                                   £7.50

6.         The Mower Shed (inv 1200)                                                              £156.00

7.         The Mower Shed (inv 1216)                                                              £156.00

8.         Buchans Landscaping & Grounds Maintenance                                £307.51

9.         Charlie Vince Tree Surgery                                                               £792.00

10.       Signwork Ltd                                                                                      £198.00

11.       Human Capital Dept                                                                           £178.80

            (Retained HR Support)

12.       RS Fencing                                                                                         £696.00

13.       Balfour Beatty (Yr3 Qtr 3)                                                                 124.20

14.       DM Payroll Services (2022/23)                                                         £132.00

15.       Caretaker Salary –May 2022                                                              £718.75

            (28th May 2022)

16.       RFO Salary – May 2022                                                                     £244.40           

(28th May 2022)

17.       LocumClerk Fee and expenses                                                          £637.50

            April 2022                                                                                          

            Mrs D Taylor                                                                                     

Automated Payments payable April 2022

1.         DD                  BT – Broadband Reading Room                                £31.78

                                    (11th May 2022)

2.         DD                  SSE                                                                             £112.53

                                    (DD 18th May 2022)

Councillors also approved payment to BHIB for the Parish Council Insurance at £1,631.33 (see item 9) and to NFU for the Reading Room cottage insurance £581.95 (see item 10)

14. Mandene Gardens Play Area.  Councillors voiced their alarm at having been misled about the provision of a new play facility which is now to be an open space with no play equipment being provided.  The development of the 2 houses has resulted in the loss of a play area and swings, for which the sum of £2,661is now proposed as the financial contribution under S106.  The play area is fenced and gated, will be of little use as a community facility and the Parish Council should not have to maintain it.  Councillor Pett agreed to draft a letter to HDC planning in response to the email received. 

15. Crown and Cushion Public House. The Parish Council had tried to arrange a meeting with the owners, but this has been declined.  Councillor Pett suggested that this information should be shared with the chair of the ‘Open the Pub’ group.  It is thought that there has been an enforcement notice and some out-buildings have been taken down.  The item will be carried forward.

16. Parish Council Vacancy/Co-option.  There is one vacancy.  Councillors will continue to seek to fill the vacancy by co-option.

17. Play Equipment and Muga Annual Inspection.  This is now due.  Last year Rospa were recommended to carry out the inspection.  They provided a comprehensive report on both the Muga and the play equipment.  Councillors agreed to instruct Rospa for this year’s inspection. (Proposed Councillor Capps, seconded Councillor Pett).  Clerk to arrange a date.

18. Highways.  

Cllr Pett reported that following the meeting in March with the Highways officer, repairs seem to have stalled.  There is a lot of yellow paint highlighting the repairs but little progress.  It was agreed to chase this up with the Highways officer and County Councillor Ferguson.

Councillors noted that the LHI Bid 2022/23 for 20mph speed reduction within the village had been unsuccessful, the scheme having scored quite low. 

19. Little Gransden Aerodrome Local Consultative Committee.  Councillor Capps had attended the meeting.  He reported that there were complaints about aerobatics at the same time as tug launches.  Complaints about helicopters, although 12 movements pa are allowed.  Details were given about future events; the Children in Need event will take place on 28th August.  The minutes will be circulated when available.

20. Correspondence

20.1 Dog Mess. A resident had complained about the number of doggy bags left on the path along Sand Road.  Dog walkers should be using the bins.  Councillors agreed to put a note in Roundabout and Councillor Pett will also publicise on Touchbase.

20.2 Fencing Along Sand Road.  A resident had written complaining about the tyres stored along the boundary, the in-filling of the ditch not in the owner’s possession, the containers/fencing and whether someone was illegally living above the premises.  Councillor Catmur had circulated Highways and Land Registry plans showing the land where the ditch has been filled in as belonging to the owner.  Councillors were surprised about ownership and agreed to ask Highways about ownership of the verge.  A hedge has now been planted.  Councillor Pett agreed to contact Highways and speak to the owner about the correspondence received.  Clerk to reply to the resident.

20.3. County Broadband.  Councillors had requested details of the infrastructureCounty Broadband had offered to provide a brief presentation via zoom but were unwilling to provide the full design file as it will breach GDPR laws.  Councillors want to know how the information will be provided.  Councillor Pett agreed to respond.

20.4. Luton Aircraft Noise.  This had been raised in open forum.  Councillors agreed to join forces with other parish councils, nominate a representative and advertise the forthcoming public meeting on 5th July.

20.5. Cambridgeshire Crimestoppers.  Email from Crimestoppers, an independent charity, seeking volunteers to support a newly formed committee and help promote Crimestoppers.  Councillors agreed to request pamphlets/leaflets and ask for an appropriate form of wording to advertise for volunteers in Roundabout.

20.6. Adoption by HDC of The Landscape and Townscape SDP.  Noted.

21. Planning


Variation of condition C20 (off site works as per plan prior to commencement) for 17/01375/OUT to reconcile the approved planning drawings pursuant to condition 20 with the associated completed off-site Section 278 works.

Land North East Of Mandene Gardens Great Gransden.  Councillors expressed their complete dissatisfaction with the off-site works on the corner of East Street and Sand Road.  The developer should not have started work on building until the footpath had been completed.  HDC did not pursue it.  The developer is now trying to reconcile the plans with the completed off site works.  HDC did not listen to local people or the parish council.  It was pointed out to the developer that they did not have the land to carry out the scheme.  It was unanimously agreed to recommend ‘Refusal’ on the grounds:

(1) This Condition C20 was the most contentious issue for residents and the matter most debated by DMC Councillors, resulting in the inclusion of a Grampian Condition i.e. Condition 20: Prior to the commencement of development, the off-site highway improvement works shall be constructed in accordance with a scheme which has been submitted to & approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason – To ensure that the highway network is adequate to cater for the development proposed. HDC’s commitment to ensure this Condition would be observed was reiterated by the Planning Officer.

(2) The junction remains very dangerous: vehicles mount the pavement on a daily basis and pedestrians are forced to use a narrow pavement on a blind corner with no refuge. It may be OK for planners to say that this meets the minimum requirements but that should not be deemed “adequate” in this case. (Proposed Councillor Pett, seconded Councillor Bane).

Furthermore, HDC and Highways have one final opportunity to show leadership and to demonstrate that residents’ safety comes first, by refusing this application and working with the developer and residents to find a safe amicable solution.

21.2. Hayfield Homes Development, Sand Road, Great Gransden. 

The Parish Council had written to Head of Planning HDC, copied to Director of Highways and Transport, Chair of Highways and Transport Committee, MD and Planning Directors of Hayfield Homes concerning the ludicrous situation of the current street lighting provision along Sand Road.  Both Highways and HDC had responded advising that officers at Cambridgeshire County Council and HDC will jointly review.  Councillors will ask for an update and seek their proposals.  Cllr Ferguson has offered to attend an on-site meeting. 


The proposal is to fit PV solar panels to certain of the roof aspects together with ancilliary battery storage and cables, 2 Church Street Great Gransden. 

Councillors noted that although HDC doesn’t usually allow solar panels on listed buildings, the proposal is to install the panels on the slate roof facing the alleyway, which will only be seen further back along Church Street.  It was unanimously agreed to recommend ‘Approval’ on the ground the proposal has been made to be unobtrusive to the street scene.  (Proposed Councillor Pett, seconded Councillor Day). 

21.4. MUGA (Former Tennis Court), Fox Street, Great Gransden Breach of Condition 4 of 18/00507/FUL (Opening hours). 

Councillor Pett spoke about the actions that could be taken. Gates could be installed.  This would be difficult and expensive and lead to possible vandalism accessing a locked facility but is being looked into. Other suggestions included improving the signage, advertising the opening hours on Touchbase and asking the PCSO to visit in the evening, preferably at the weekend.  Councillors Rowbotham and Pett also agreed to visit and speak to anyone found to be using the facility beyond 8.30pm.  The gate to the Reading Room carpark is not locked at present which allows cars 24-hour access to the Reading Room car park.  The residents were asked to keep a log of incidents and the matter will be discussed at the June meeting.

22.  HR Committee Update. 

In line with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 this item was considered in closed session.

23. Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting has been arranged for Monday 6th June 2022 at 7:30pm This meeting closed