Minutes of the November 2024 meeting

The minutes of the November 2024 meeting, below, are available in PDF form, primarily for offline reading and printing. Please note that all minutes are draft until approved at a subsequent Parish Council meeting, and in any conflict between the version below (provided for ease of access online) and the PDF version, the latter shall be deemed authoritative.

Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 7th November 2024

Those present were:

  • Parish Councillor Nick Ginn (chairman);
  • Parish Councillor Chris Bane;
  • Parish Councillor Michael Capps;
  • Parish Councillor James Catmur;
  • Parish Councillor Cathy Davis;
  • Parish Councillor Nigel Day;
  • Parish Councillor Andrew Pett;
  • Parish Councillor Alan Rowbotham;
  • Parish Councillor Paul Greenland.

Also present: District Councillor James Catmur and 5 members of the public.

  1. The meeting was opened with a silent prayer.
  2. Apologies for absence:
  3. Declarations of Interest:
  4. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th October: the Minutes were proposed by Councillor Ginn, seconded by Councillor Day and unanimously approved.
  5. Open Forum:
    • Report from District Councillor James Catmur highlighted:
    a) E-W Rail: noted, the informal consultation 14/11 – 24/1/2025, with local events and online.
    b) CIL funding round: 4/11/24 – 19/1/2025.
    c) CPCA Climate Opportunity Fund: open 25/11 – 17/1/2025.

• Bowls & Croquet Club:
a) Fencing: The chairman of the club detailed the damage to the fence, thought to be by badgers, and that temporary repair had been made. However, it was noted that the fence is in generally poor repair and needs replacing.
b) Lease: The Club chairman noted that the lease ends in November 2025. The Club would like to
renew the lease and begin working with the Parish Council on the matter.
c) Mower grant application: Noted that the Parish Council does not have a grant giving fund and recommended that the Club apply to the Great Gransden Poor’s Land Trust, which has broadened its scope to support activities and actions of wider benefit to the village and residents.
Agreed, that the Parish Council write a letter to the Bowls & Croquet Club in support of any other grant application it makes for the project.

• Winchfield ‘green space’ and residents’ actions: Several residents have been active in searching out original documentation for Winchfield which details the adoption of the road, including the ‘greenspace’, by Highways on 1st May 1981 and the same information from HDC. A resident also advised that he had some further documentation. The residents and Parish Council will continue with the liaison meeting on 12th November.

  1. Matters Arising:
    6.1 RoSPA Play Safety Inspection Reports – update and quotes: One quote has been received, with some firms
    declining to quote. One further attempt will be made to obtain two more quotes. In the meantime, agreed that two new
    baby swings be purchased and installed immediately, as a chain had been broken for some time.

6.2 Mandene Gardens ‘play area’ and Dutton Gardens ‘greenspace’: A reply from HDC Funding Project Manager has been received, but it still does not give detail on the ownership of the ‘play area’.
Agreed, to write to the housing association to ask if they owned the ‘play area’.

6.3 Winchfield greenspace: With the help of various Winchfield residents, the information has now been brought together, that shows the Winchfield ‘greenspace’ as CCC, Highways land. The Parish Council and the residents’ liaison meeting is on 12th November. Councillors attending; Mike Capps, Andrew Pett and Nick Ginn.

6.4 Cemetery memorial bench by shed: Noted, continuing research to find family that funded the bench.

  1. Meeting with Ian Sollom, MP: An online meeting link during a Parish Council was not considered the best option, as this would not allow much discussion time with the PC or with residents. Agreed, to contact the constituency office again to request a longer meeting at a time convenient to Ian Sollom.
  2. Reading Room- veranda drain: The chairperson of the Reading Room Committee reported on the drainage investigation undertaken. Noted, that the veranda drain is blocked by the cement around a fence post of the Reading Room Cottage fence. Agreed, Parish Council to pay for the repair and realignment of this section of the drain.
    To monitor: the result of the work in respect of damp at the Reading Room Cottage.
  3. Reading Room Cottage:
    • Damp quote: two further quotes will be obtained.
    • Winter management – water / heating: Whilst there is no tenant, the water supply has been turned off and drained down. Agreed, to have minimum heating to about 10 degrees, should the temperature go below freezing, (ground temperature). Agreed, to monitor the electricity usage to understand the cost of this measure.
  4. Mowing Specifications for cemetery and churchyard: the proposed specifications were unanimously approved.
  5. Bowling Green fencing and hedging:
    • Noted, that presumed badgers have been digging on the green during dry weather and pushing the fencing down. Though temporarily repaired, new fencing will be required to prevent badger access.
    • Lease renewal due for Nov 2025: Noted.
    • Agreed to liaise with the Bowls and Croquet Club on both the above matters.
  6. Defibrillator pads – purchase of backup sets: Agreed, to buy back-up pads for both defibrillators. Agreed, Councillor Rowbotham will check the electricity supply to the Sportsfield defibrillator box. If the electricity is turned off the box automatically remains open.
  7. Poor’s Land – correspondent: Agreed; Poor’s Land Committee to meet to finalise Winter Fuel Payments. Noted that a new Poor’s Land Correspondent was still needed.
  8. RFO’s Financial Statements and Budget Review:
    The Financial Reports for October 2024 and Budget Review October 2024 were unanimously approved.
  9. Payments for Approval:
    The payments were unanimously approved.

Payments for approval at the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 4th November 2024
Cheques/ Bank Transfers payable November 2024

  1. Mr R McIntosh (Garden of Remembrance) £7.50 *
  2. The Mower Shed (cut & strim cemetery 21/10) Inv 0031 £144.00
  3. The Mower Shed (cut & strim churchyard 21/10) Inv 0032 £156.00
  4. The Mower Shed (additional cut & strim churchyard) £144.00 *
  5. The Mower Shed (additional cut & strim cemetery) £156.00 *
  6. Brookfield Contracting (cut sportsfield x 2) £504.00 **
  7. PKF Littlejohn 2024 Audit (paid 18 October as agreed by £378.00
    Mr Nick Ginn & Mr Andrew Pett)
  8. Huntingdonshire DC (cottage council tax for November) £176.00
  9. Mrs R Northrop (Resiliation of grave space 432) £60.00
  10. Sharon Brown – Clerks expenses £43.19
  11. Mr Andrew Pett (Microsoft 365 November) £1.99
  12. Clerk’s Salary – November 2024 £717.60
  13. RFO’s Salary – November 2024 £345.40
  14. HMRC Tax & NI (Month 5 ending 5 November 2024) £120.00

Automated Payments payable November 2024

  1. DD BT – Broadband Reading Room £47.86 *
    (10 November 2024)
  2. DD SSE – Street lighting £196.82
    (Taken 31 October 2024)

*Invoice expected, but not available in time for meeting
**Approximate amount. Subject to slight variation. (Not available in time for meeting)

  1. Draft Budget & Precept proposal 2025/26:
    Budget: The draft budget was generally approved except that the proposed expenditure for the Reading Room Cottage and the Reading Room be reduced, as a repeat of the high maintenance expenditure of last year is not expected. Agreed, additional projects and the use of reserves to take forward certain projects will be further considered at the December meeting.
    Precept: Proposed by Councillor Catmur, seconded by Councillor Greenland and unanimously approved, a precept of £43,000 for 2025/26, which takes into account the projected inflation rate and the above budget points.
  2. Highways & Rights of Way:
    • Any repairs or maintenance needed: items have been discussed with the Local Highways Officer.
    • LHI bid 2024/25: Noted, that the Caxton Road traffic calming bid was not successful.
    • LHI round 2025/26 – Expressions of interest: Agreed, to further discuss options at the December meeting.
    • Meeting with Local Highways Officer: A useful meeting / walkabout was held with the Local Highways Officer. To note:
    • Waresley Road flooding – the drains have been jetted, so flooding is draining away a little better. However, this section of road will always be susceptible due to earth / leaves etc. being swept downhill from the lane and into the drainage pipes.
    • Sand Rd / Middle St. junction – Highways is still looking at costings to undertake works, subsequent to their drainage survey in the Spring.
    Various other issues were discussed and Highways is taking / has taken a number of actions forward, e.g. repairs along Abbotsley Road and potholes along Hardwicke Road.
    • CCC Highways – Village Verge Maintenance Consultation: Noted, that the Parish Council does not cut or manage any verges. This to be recorded on the consultation.
  3. Correspondence & Consultations:
    18.1 HDC Local Plan Engagement – 18th September to 27th November 2024: Noted, Councillor Pett is meeting with representatives of the Gt. Gransden Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group. They will formulate the response to the HDC Local Plan Engagement, which will be sent to other Parish Councillors for comment.

18.2 Government consultation – Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings
24/10 – 19/12/24: Agreed, individual responses.

18.3 Solar carports for village carparks: Councillor Catmur noted the finance currently available for solar projects. Noted that siting of panels would be best where the electricity can be used directly by community facilities. Next to a sports area was thought problematic due to possible breakage e.g. from footballs. Councillor Bane agreed to take the proposal to the Bowls & Croquet Club as the Club House might be far enough away from the MUGA and main Playing Field, to avoid possible damage.

18.4 Bowls & Croquet Club – request for support and funding for new mower: Noted, that the Great Gransden Poor’s Land Fund is the best local option for obtaining a grant. Also noted, that the Parish Council does not have a grant giving fund. Agreed, written support for the project to be provided from Parish Council, which can be included in grant applications to other bodies.

18.5 CIL Funding round – 4/11/24 – 19/1/2025: Agreed, further discussion at the December meeting, as to
which project to take forward.

  1. Planning Applications:
  2. HR Committee Update: In line with the legislation below*, this item was closed to the public.
  3. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 2nd December, to commence at 7:30pm.

The meeting ended at 10:05 pm.

*‘Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:

  • (2) A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.’