Parish Council meeting, December 2024

The next meeting is on Monday the 2nd of December, 2024. A copy of the clerk’s notice, including the agenda is available in PDF format; a copy of the clerk’s notes are also available for offline reading.

A copy of the notice follows, with some punctuation and layout changes to improve accessibility, but if there is any conflict between this and the PDF version, the latter shall be deemed authoritative.

Notice of meeting

From the Clerk, Sharon Brown, on 26 November 2024:

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purposes of considering and resolving the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.


  1. Silent Prayer.
  2. Apologies for absence.
  3. Declarations of Interest:
    (a) Councillors to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest in any items on the agenda;
    (b) Councillors to declare any other interest in any items on the agenda.
  4. Minutes. Consideration of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th November 2024.
  5. Open Forum – 15 minutes to enable members of the public to bring any matters to the attention of the Parish Council.
  6. Matters Arising.
    6.1 Winchfield greenspace – update.
    6.2 Reading Room – veranda drain.
    6.3 Crown & Cushion – update.
  7. Meeting with Ian Sollom, MP.
  8. RoSPA Play Safety Inspection Reports – update and quotes.
  9. Reading Room Cottage – update.
  10. CIL funding application.
  11. RFO’s Financial Statements and Budget Review – November 2024.
  12. Payments for Approval.
  13. Virtual GGPC (Great Gransden Parish Council) debit card – Councillor Day.
  14. GGPC email accounts for all councillors – Councillor Day.
  15. Purchase of government domain name for GGPC.
  16. Draft Budget 2025/26.
  17. Highways & Rights of Way
    • any repairs or maintenance needed.
    • LHI round for funding in 2025/26 – possible projects.
    • Capitally Funded Highway Maintenance Schemes
  18. Correspondence:
    18.1 CPCA Climate Opportunity Fund – open.
    18.2 National Highways A428 funding round.
    18.3 East – West Rail non-statutory consultation.
  19. Planning Applications:
    19.1 REF. 24/01990/HHFUL – Construction of a garden building – 48 West Street, Great Gransden, Sandy, SG19 3AU.
    19.2 REF. 24/02020/HHFUL – Single/two storey side extension, first floor side extension, rear veranda and raised deck, renewable energy apparatus, car port against outbuilding and ancillary development – 63 Meadow Road Great Gransden Sandy SG19 3BB.
    19.3 REF. 24/01924/LBC – Erection of new wall and gates to front boundary following demolition of existing wall (Retrospective) – 25 Fox Street Great Gransden Sandy SG19 3AA.
    19.4 REF. 24/01923/HHFUL – Erection of new wall and gates to front boundary following demolition of existing wall (Retrospective) – 25 Fox Street Great Gransden Sandy SG19 3AA.
  20. Dates of meetings Jan 2025 – Jan 2026.
  21. Date of Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 6th January 2024, commencing at 7:30pm.