Minutes of the September 2024 meeting

The minutes of the September 2024 meeting, below, are available in PDF form, primarily for offline reading and printing. Please note that all minutes are draft until approved at a subsequent Parish Council meeting, and in any conflict between the version below (provided for ease of access online) and the PDF version, the latter shall be deemed authoritative.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd September 2024

Those present were:

  • Parish Councillor Nick Ginn (chairman)
  • Parish Councillor Nigel Day
  • Parish Councillor Chris Bane
  • Parish Councillor Andrew Pett
  • Parish Councillor James Catmur (online, non-voting)
  • Parish Councillor Alan Rowbotham

Also present: County Councillor Stephen Ferguson, District Councillor James Catmur (online) and 3 members of the public.

  1. The meeting was opened with a silent prayer.
  2. Apologies for absence.
    Parish Councillors Michael Capps, Cathy Davis and Paul Greenland.
  3. Declarations of Interest:
  4. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th August: the Minutes were unanimously approved.
  5. Open Forum:
    • Report from County Councillor Stephen Ferguson highlighting:
    a) Bus Franchising consultation: that Great Gransden was one of the villages subject to the mayoral precept, but which still had no bus transport resulting from it,
    b) E-W Rail: the route consultation had been held up due to the election. Only vague route maps are still available for the section in to Cambridge. Noted, that major housing proposals such as at Tempsford, were coming forward despite uncertainties around E-W Rail,
    c) Household Support fund: the government is to extend this within the next few months,
    d) Busway deaths 2018 – 2021: CCC is being prosecuted, which has cost £1.6 million in legal fees.
    e) CAA Swanick Airspace Report: Although there has been feedback, apparently little regard is being given to it by the review.

• Report from District Councillor James Catmur also highlighted:
a) and b) as reported by Councillor Ferguson,
c) HDC Local Plan: draft to be published soon. Four potential development sites in Great Gransden parish have been screened. Two sites have reached the current review stage.

• Invitation to the new MP to Great Gransden: A resident put forward a request that the Parish Council invite the new MP to a Parish Council meeting to discuss pertinent issues with the council and residents. Agreed, to invite Ian Sollom MP to a meeting as soon as possible.

• Touchbase 2 discussions: Councillor Day provided a resumé of discussions concerning a possible new online community forum similar to Touchbase. Noted that Touchbase is much missed and that the co-ordinator had undertaken that role for a considerable number of years. Should it be decided that a paid for service be best, the parish councils of the four ‘Bluebell villages’ are likely to be ask to fund the initiative.

  1. Matters Arising:
  2. RoSPA Play Safety Inspection Reports – update and quotes:
    One of the baby swings now has a link broken on a chain. It will be put out of action immediately and quotes sought for repair. Quotes will also be obtained as soon as possible for the other works required from the RoSPA Reports.
  3. Winchfield greenspace:
    Highways is apparently not responsible for the Winchfield ‘greenspace’ as has been outlined in a response to a Winchfield resident. Noted that there is one tree of concern, a large Ash at the southern end of the ‘greenspace’ which shows early signs of Ash dieback disease. Agreed to contact highways about the management of the Ash.
    The future management and responsibility for the area being in doubt a number of options were considered. Agreed in the first instance to ask Winchfield residents if they would wish to register the land and form a residents’ association for its management.
  4. Crown & Cushion: Noted that the condition of this listed building seems to be deteriorating, as is the wall and fence. Agreed, to write to the HDC, Conservation Officer. The ‘pub’ is also again for sale, but at a much higher price. The chairman has already written to the new MP, Ian Sollom, about the ‘community right to buy’, but as yet not received a reply.
  5. Reading Room Cottage: Councillor Rowbotham has provided a review of the damp issues at the Reading Room cottage and has made some small changes to improve air flow. Noted however, that to resolve the problems fully professional work is required. Agreed that specialist advice and quotes be obtained.
  6. Financial Regulations – review 2nd draft: Proposed by Councillor Day, seconded by Councillor Pett and unanimously approved, the 2nd draft, with the minor revisions discussed.
  7. RFO’s Financial Statements and Budget Review:
    The review of the August 2024 Financial Report and Budget Review was postponed until the October meeting as some members had apparently not received the email information in advance of 2nd September meeting.
  8. Payments for Approval:
    The payments were proposed by Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Rowbotham and unanimously approved.

Payments for approval at the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 2nd September

Cheques/ Bank Transfers payable September 2024

  1. Mr R McIntosh (Garden of Remembrance) £7.50 *
  2. The Mower Shed (cut & strim churchyard) £144.00 *
  3. The Mower Shed (cut & strim cemetery) £156.00 *
  4. Brookfield Contracting (cut sportsfield 9,19,29 July) Inv 2964 £504.00
  5. Huntingdonshire DC (cottage council tax for September) £176.00
  6. Global Tree Solutions (works as Oct 2023 survey) £6210.00
  7. Clerk’s Salary – September 2024 £717.80
  8. RFO’s Salary – September 2024 £345.40
  9. HMRC Tax & NI (Month 5 ending 5 September 2024) £120.00

Automated Payments payable September 2024

  1. DD BT – Broadband Reading Room £47.86 *
    (12th September 2024)
  2. DD SSE – Street lighting £200.00 **
    (September 2024)

*Invoice expected, but not available in time for meeting
**Approximate amount. Subject to slight variation. (Not available in time for

  1. Highways & Rights of Way
    • Any repairs or maintenance needed:
    Little Lane hedge: Bramble growth in particular is now considered a hazard. It will be reported again.
    • Muddy verge by school: Councillor Bane will take photos of the situation by the school, in order to take the matter forward with Highways.
    • PC12 post damage: The damage to the post looks to have been by a grass cutting machine. Contact will be made with Highways to request action.

Agreed, to invite the new Local Highways Officer to a Parish Council meeting to discuss the various highways issues around the parish.

  1. Correspondence & Consultations:
    Agreed to put leaflets on the noticeboard and in the village shop with the information for responding to the following consultations. Councillor Day agreed to action.
    15.1 Luton airport flight paths – CAA report – consultation: Agreed, Councillor Pett to respond for the Parish Council.
    15.2 Active Travel Hierarchy, CCC – consultation: Agreed, Councillor Ginn to respond for the Parish Council.
    15.3 Bus Franchising, C&PCA – consultation: Agreed, Councillor Pett to respond for the Parish Council.
    15.4 Community Energy Action Plan, CCC – consultation: Agreed, Councillor Bane to respond for the Parish Council.
    15.5 National Planning Policy Framework and other changes: Agreed, Councillor Pett to respond for the Parish Council.
  2. Planning Applications:
    16.1 REF. 24/01367/HHFUL Proposed fenestration changes. Crimple Dean Farm, 104 Meadow Road, Great Gransden, Sandy, SG19 3BB: Proposed by Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Ginnn and unanimously agreed, that this application be recommended to HDC for approval. It was noted that the proposed alterations were in keeping with the rest of the house and unobtrusive to the location.
  3. HR Committee Update: In line with the legislation below*, this item was closed to the public.
  4. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 7th October 2024 which will commence at 7:30pm.

The meeting ended at 21:15 pm.

*‘Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960:
(2) A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.’