Minutes of the March 2022 meeting

(These minutes are available in PDF form for offline reading and printing. Please note that all minutes are draft until approved at a subsequent Parish Council meeting. These minutes were approved at the meeting on 4 April 2022.)

Minutes of the meeting on 7 March 2022:

Those present were:

  • Giles Scott, Chairman;
  • Nick Ginn, Vice Chairman;
  • Peter King, Parish Councillor;
  • Diane Taylor, Locum Clerk;
  • Andrew Pett, Parish Councillor;
  • Michael Capps, Parish Councillor;
  • James Catmur, Parish Councillor;
  • Cathy Davis, Parish Councillors;
  • Nigel Day, parish Councillor;

…and 6 members of the public.

  1. The meeting was opened at 7:30 pm with a silent prayer.
  2. Apologies. Apologies were received from District Councillor Richard West and Parish Councillors Vikki Murphy.
  3. Declarations of Interest. Councillor Capps declared an interest in item 15.4 of the agenda, Barns East Street, as the owner of the site.
  4. Minutes of the previous monthly meeting held on the 7th February 2022 were approved and signed accordingly by the Chairman.
  5. OPEN FORUM. The meeting was closed for 9 minutes.

    District Councillor West had circulated his report prior to the meeting. 
    A number of residents raised questions on the use of the Muga, specifically whether there was any policy or rules relating to noise, the use of speakers/sound levels during events and the maximum number of people able to attend events for safety.  Other points raised included advocating more use of the sportsfield particularly by the school, enforcement of the closing time of 8.30pm and who to inform if the rules are broken, inviting use of the facility by external (non-village) groups when there is no access to toilets, safety of children with more adult usage, the impact on neighbouring properties and the lack of consultation. 

6. Matters Arising

6.1 Neighbourhood Plan (NDP).  Councillor King spoke about the Parish Council’s role to publicise the plan to those who live, work or conduct business in the neighbourhood area, to consult any consultation body considered to be affected by the proposals and to send a copy to Huntingdonshire District Council.  As a result, the Parish Council delivered 13 pages detailing the proposals for an NDP, (where and when the plan may be inspected, how to make representations and the closing date) to 402 houses and 35 businesses the day before the consultation started.   65 emails were sent to consultation or stakeholder bodies asking them to comment on the plan and how they should find it. Additionally, letters were sent to 6 landowners or their agents, who did not reside in the village. HDC received a copy of the plan and they began their work on it.  A comprehensive range of media has been used to publicise including posters, Roundabout, Village Facebook pages including NP Facebook page, paper copies of questionnaires delivered to every house, village websites and hard copies placed in the 2 cafes and church porch. The initial interest is encouraging, based on the number of visits to the Parish Council website, including 171 views of the actual NDP.  Early responses are few, but those received are 100% supportive of the plan.  A further media blitz may be needed to remind residents about the plan. 

6.2 Future Funding for Playground Area. Councillor Davis gave her report on refurbishing the playground, using Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding from HDC.  The threshold is £50,000 and has to be match funded.  The Parish Council will need to agree an amount to be spent, which could come from the 2018 CIL received, which has to be used within 5 years.  Three quotes will be needed following consultation.  The school (through one of its pupils) has already presented suggestions.  Changing the Little Lane entrance to wheel chair accessible was considered but felt too expensive, as such access is already available from the Fox Street entrance.  A small sub-committee will be set up to include a school parent and parish councillor involved with both the NDP and the school.  Councillor Pett agreed to be a member, along with Councillors Davis and Murphy.  Councillors also agreed that the play area at the bottom of Mandene Gardens should be included in the terms of reference.  The development of 2 houses in Mandene Gardens included the relocation of the play area.  Enquiries will be made of the developer as to the time line and the proposals for the new play area.      

6.3 Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  Councillor Capps had prepared a list of specimen trees to consider, suggesting the tree could be positioned at the end of the Bowls Green, replacing a spare tree left from the Parish planting scheme.  The location would leave the rest of the playing field open.  The suggestion of a circular bench would protect the tree.  Councillors agreed to purchase an Acer freemanii Autumn Blaze with an upper budget of £400 for a suitable sized tree.   (Proposed Councillor Scott, seconded Councillor Pett).  Councillor Capps will organise the purchase and planting.  A tree guard will also be needed.  Information on the cost of circular benches had been circulated.  Councillors agreed to investigate more sustainable wood sources and for the seating to be included in the playground refurbishment project.

6.4. LHI Bid 2022/23.  Councillor Catmur had presented the Parish Council’s bid on 28th February.  He reported that the panel members had been supportive, there were no major questions but Cambridgeshire County Council is considering a special fund for 20mph zone bids which may lead to the Parish Council’s bid application being moved into that fund. 

6.5. Bedford to Cambridge Cycleway.  Councillor Ginn reported on the meeting hosted by Gamlingay Parish Council, primarily looking at a route between Potton and Gamlingay.  It is in the very early stages with difficulties relating to land acquisition and funding as the proposal is for a hard surface route. 

6.6. EWR Representative Group.  Councillor Catmur reported on the first meeting.  East West Rail is trying to build a group of people to talk to which will include Councillor Catmur.  There is no route ready to be announced.

6.7. Commercial Use of MUGA.  In view of the number of residents’ concerns raised in open forum, Councillor Scott brought forward this item on the agenda.  Councillor Scott explained that the Parish Council is not promoting commercial use of the site; a policy had been put in place as a result of local residents wanting to use it for circuit training classes if the preferred location of the sportsfield was too wet to use.  As the activity was commercially run, a policy was needed, but it is not being advertised for hire.  The Parish Council will take away and consider the noise issues raised.  Councillors agreed to order 3 new replacement signs at a cost of £55 each.

7. Recruitment of a replacement clerk.  No applications had been received despite advertising in Roundabout, on noticeboards outside the Reading Room and the school and on the Capalc website.  The advert will be placed on Touchbase and the present arrangements will continue until April. 

Sportsfield Grass Cutting 2022.  Councillor Ginn reported that 3 quotes had been obtained, 2 far higher than the existing contractor who was seeking a minimum increase of 3% on the previous year’s contract.  Councillors unanimously agreed to accept the quote from the existing contractor, Buchans with an increase of 5% on last year’s costs.  (Proposed Councillor Pett, seconded Councillor Davis).

9. Date of May Meeting.  Due to a clash, councillors agreed to change the May meeting from Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th May 2022.

10. Financial Statement for February 2022.  The sheet filed as Appendix No. 1 had been circulated.  The statement was unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.  Councillors also noted the budget review as at the end of February 2022.

11. Cheques for approval.  The following payments were approved:

(Proposed Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Catmur)

Cheques/ Bank Transfers payable March 2022

1.         RFO expenses for March 2022                                                           £24.38

2.         HMRC – PAYE (period ending 5th Apr 22)                                        £0.00

3.         CAPALC Affiliation Fee (2022-23)                                                  430.02

4.         bb+c architects                                                                                   £2491.80

            (Reading Room –

Final claim for third of agreed fixed fee)                  

5.         Buchans Landscaping Grounds Maintenance                                    £292.84

            (Outstanding Invoice 2768)

6.         xlpress

            NDP Formal Consultation and Representation Forms

            Inv 27732                                                                                            £384.00

7.         xlpress

            NDP Formal Consultation and Representation Forms

            Inv 27650                                                                                            £67.20

8.         xlpress                                                                                               

            Parish Council Plans

Inv 27651                                                                                            £151.20

9.         xlpress

            Parish Council Plans

Inv 27756                                                                                            £30.00            

10.       Mr P King

            NDP expenses (receipts attached)                                                      £21.81

11.       Balfour Beatty                                                                                    £124.20

            (2019-22 Y3 Q2)

12.       Human Capital Dept                                                                           £178.80

            (Retained HR Support)

13.       Mr R McIntosh                                                                                   £7.50

            (Garden of Remembrance)

14.       Caretaker Salary –March 2022                                                           £590.20

            (28th March 2022)

15.       RFO Salary – March 2022                                                                  £239.42

            (28th March 2022)

16.       LocumClerk Fee and expenses

            February 2022                                                                                     £626.25

            Mrs D Taylor 

Automated Payments payable March 2022

1.         DD                  BT – Broadband Reading Room                                £30.16

                                    (11th March 2022)

2.         DD                  SSE                                                                             £100.25

                                    (DD 16th March 2022)                                               

12. Highways.

Councillors have asked the Highways Officer for a rearranged date to walk the village to discuss the ongoing issues.  This will be followed up.  The damaged drain cover on Plough corner has been repaired and now has a lockable cover on it.  The Crow Tree Street pothole is now quite noticeable, the collapsed drain in Church Street and blocked gullies in Waresley Road need to be included in the discussion with the Highways Officer.  His advice will also be sought on the Sand Road footpath junction.

13. Correspondence.

13.1. Great Gransden Litter Pick. 46 bin bags of rubbish were collected along Caxton, Eltisley, Waresley and Meadow Roads during January.  The volume of litter had increased and included alcohol bottles and cans, fast food packaging and car body parts. Councillors thanked the group of volunteers for collecting the litter.

13.2.  Mill Weir, Water Bailiff. A volunteer from Gamlingay had offered to look after the pond having raised a concern about lots of line and hooks being a danger for wildlife.  He has experience as a water bailiff.  Councillors had no objections and welcomed the offer to keep an eye on the pond.

13.3. Pedestrians along Meadow Road. An email received from a visitor driving out of the village, expressing concerns about a runner along Meadow Road, who had not been wearing high viz clothing and therefore could not easily be seen.  This is an ongoing situation which councillors will keep under review.   

13.4. Agricole Oil, Group Village Rebate.  Councillors agreed that the £25 rebate donation should go to the Windmill Trust.  Proposed Councillor Scott, seconded Councillor Pett, with 7 votes in favour and 1 abstention.

13.5. County Broadband.  County Broadband will be carrying out works to provide Hyperfast broadband to the village and are seeking to discuss the project with the Parish Council.  They have attended a meeting previously.  Councillors agreed to request the maps of the planned build and then facilitate a meeting with residents to share the information more widely.  The concerns of a resident, who has had a notice attached to a telegraph pole by County Broadband, appear not to have been addressed.  Councillors will raise this matter with County Broadband.

13.6. Tyres along Sand Road.  Councillors considered the letter from a resident raising concerns about the tyres and fence panels along Sand Road, adjacent to the industrial estate.  The panels need putting up and the area tidied.  The Parish Council will write to the owner.

13.7. Help Shape HDC’s Environment and Climate Strategy. Councillors noted that members of the public are encouraged to take part in an online survey to enable the District Council to understand the environment priorities of the community. 

14. Consultations.

14.1. The Greater Cambridge Partnership.  Consultation on parking issues in Cambridge, running until 21st March.  Noted by councillors.

15. Planning.

15.1. Hayfield Homes Development, Sand Road, Great Gransden.

The District Council is waiting to hear back from Hayfield Homes following the refusal to vary the off-site highway improvement works.  The Highways Officer will also be asked to comment.

Light pollution – there are now 6 street lights installed (3 on the street and 3 just off the street) in addition to the 2 lights already in place a few yards down the road.  HDC should not have approved the number of street lights and they need to be removed.  The installation of lights is not finished, with non-heritage lights being installed further down.  The Parish Council will write to HDC, (with copy to Environmental Health) asking them to confirm their guidelines, an explanation of what has happened and asking what action they propose to take.

15.2.  Erection of 38 custom/self-build houses with roads, Potton Ltd, Eltisley Road.

The update provided by District Councillor West suggests that the 5 show houses on the front of the site will be built but the project for the sale of the plots for self-build is on hold. 

Agricultural Building.
Hardwick Farm Caxton Road Great Gransden.

Councillors unanimously agreed to recommend ‘Approval’ on the ground that that it is an agricultural building in an appropriate setting.  (Proposed Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Ginn).

(Councillor Capps left the meeting before item 15.4 was discussed.)

Conversion and refurbishment of former agricultural buildings to provide four dwellings and associated development.
Barns East Street Great Gransden.

Councillors looked at the reasons for recommending refusal on the previous application, namely the lack of a structural report on the condition of the buildings, no site plan comparing the proposed with the existing footprint, overlooking windows, waste management issues and environmental issues if bats are present.  These concerns have now been addressed in the present application.  Previously there had also been objections from residents.  Councillors unanimously agreed to recommend ‘Approval’ on the grounds that (1) it is a planning gain in the small settlement of Great Gransden and (2) it is bringing a heritage building back into use. (Proposed Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Scott).

(Councillor Capps rejoined the meeting.)

16. HR Committee Update.

In line with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 this item was considered in closed session.

17. Date of next Meeting

The Next Meeting has been arranged for Monday 4th April 2022 at 7:30pm..

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 21st April 2022 at 7:30pm.

This meeting closed at 9:06pm.