Planning application at Crown and Cushion

Given the level of interest in the village at the fate of the Crown and Cushion public house, the Parish Council would like to point out that there are two new linked planning applications related to this property. (It is two separate applications as it is a listed building, and so changes have to have Listed Building Consent as well as Planning approval.)

The applications will be discussed by the Parish Council at its next meeting, on Monday March 3rd 2025, and as usual interested parties are welcome to attend. There will also be an opportunity to speak during the Open Forum part of the meeting, but remember that only the Parish Councillors are entitled to take an active part during the rest of the meeting.

However, time is short, the opportunity for neighbours to lodge comments closes on Wednesday 26 Feb 2025, which is before the Parish Council Meeting (*see footnote), so we encourage all interested parties (not just parishioners) to read the applications for themselves soon, and then lodge comments on the HDC Planning Portal. You can find an application by typing in its reference in the search box on the portal, but to make it easy, you can use the direct links below:

  • Proposal: “Change of Use, including internal works, from Public House (Sui-Generis) to Dwelling (Class C3)2. Site Address: Crown And Cushion West Street Great Gransden.
    • Planning application: 25/00078/FUL.
      When considering a planning application, the planning authority considers a variety of matters, including whether the proposed changes will be in line with the planning guidelines, whether it is against the Neighbourhood Plan, whether it affects the conservation area or the setting of any listed buildings, and whether it would put any strain on the infrastructure.
    • Listed Building Consent: 25/00079/LBC.
      Applications for Listed Building Consent are considered on the way the proposed alterations and/or change of use affect the structure or character of the listed building, especially in the context of the reasons for its listing. You can see a list of all the listed buildings in Great Gransden here, and here’s a direct link to the Crown on Cushion entry on the Historic England website.

If you click on one of the direct links to the applications on the Planning Portal, you will be able to see a description of the application, along with links to allow you to inspect all the documents associated with the case, and all the comments that have been made (though there can be some delay before these are uploaded onto the portal). You can login to make a comment yourself; note that your name and content details will be redacted, but the comments you make may make it obvious where you live!

As well as adding comments online, you can also write or send an email to HDC’s department for Planning Development Control; you can find their contact details here. Whichever way you comment, we urge you to do this in plenty of time to meet the deadline, and (as mentioned above) it may take time for your (redacted) comment to appear on the website. It would also aid us in deciding whether to recommend disapproval or approval of these applications if you were to send us a copy of your comments before our meeting. Details on how to reach us are on our contact page; personal information will kept in confidence.

Remember, it is not just residents of Great Gransden who can comment on applications, but any interested parties – so that includes residents of Little Gransden, and those who live or work in any neighbouring village. Also, you can always contact the district or county councillor, or your MP!

(* The Parish Council is a Statutory Consultee, and has until Wednesday 5th of March to make our comments.)