Minutes of the May 2024 meeting

The minutes of the May 2024 meeting, below, are also available in PDF form, primarily for offline reading and printing. Please note that all minutes are draft until approved at a subsequent Parish Council meeting, and in any conflict between the version below (provided for ease of access online) and the PDF version, the latter shall be deemed authoritative.

Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on 13th May 2024

Those present were:

  • Councillor Nick Ginn, Chairman;
  • Councillor Andrew Pett, Vice-chairman;
  • Parish Councillor Chris Bane;
  • Parish Councillor Michael Capps;
  • Parish Councillor James Catmur;
  • Parish Councillor Cathy Davis.

Also present: 4 members of the public.

1. The meeting was opened with a silent prayer

2. Election of the Chairman and signing of the Declaration of Office: Councillor Pett proposed that Councillor

Ginn remain as chairperson for the forthcoming year. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Davis and unanimously approved.

3.Apologies for absence. 

Parish Councillors Nigel Day, Paul Greenland and Alan Rowbotham.     

4. Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Capps declared an interest as a neighbour, in item 16.2.

5.  Portrait of King Charles III.

The portrait of King Charles III was put in place on the wall at the Reading Room. That of Queen Elizabeth II is now in storage, together with that of her father King George VI. The new portrait was offered to councils by the government.

6.  Election of Officers:
The following post holders stood for re-election and all were unanimously re-elected.

  •  Vice Chairman: Councillor Pett.
  •  Cemetery Manager: Councillor Day.
  •  Playing Field Manager: Councillor Pett
  •  Reading Room Committee Representative: Councillor Greenland.
  •  Gransden Society Representative: Councillor Capps
  •  Sportsfield Association Representative: Councillor Ginn. 
  •  Tree Warden: Councillor Capps.
  • Little Gransden Airfield Local Consultative Committee Representative, and Gliding Club Consultative Committee Representative: Councillor Ginn.
  •  Communications Officer: Councillor Day.

7. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8th April: The Minutes were proposed by Councillor Catmur, seconded by Councillor Ginn and unanimously approved by those members present at the April meeting.

The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 22nd April 2024, were proposed by Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Ginn and unanimously approved by those members present at the 22nd April meeting.


  • District Council matters: Congratulations were expressed to Councillor Catmur on his election as a District Councillor. Councillor Catmur gave a verbal District Report noting: a) that the revision of the District Plan is in progress, with the expressions of interest in land development currently being screened; b) local buses and the few possibilities in Great Gransden for travelling to / from St. Neots or Cambridge.
  • Netball event – PTA fundraiser 18th May: Concern was expressed by a resident about alcohol sales and any smoking near the hedge and the ensuing responsibilities. Noted that this event was being run by the school PTA.
  • Bowls & Croquet Club event 18th July: the request was made for parking on the grass between the MUGA and the hedge. Agreed the decision to be made at the June Parish Council meeting.

9. Matters Arising:

9.1 Mandene Gardens and Dutton Gardens open space areas – update: No update yet received from HDC. Councillor Pett has sent two recent requests.

9.2 Mandene Gardens S106 monies: Agreed to accept the S106 indexed linked sum of £3,032.70. This was despite the reservations voiced that this sum provided for in the S106 agreement, was far too low. The Parish Council would not be receiving the replacement cost of its play area swing taken away by the developer, nor obtain other play area equipment from them, as agreed in a meeting with Luminus, the developer.

9.4 Tree management – Tree Works planning applications update: The two planning permissions, HDC and SCDC, have been approved for the work required to trees under Parish Council responsibility. Councillor Capps will agree a start date with the contractor.

9.4 Sportsfield – mowing.

  • volunteer mowing between contracts: Councillor Ginn will discuss a contribution towards petrol costs with the volunteer.
  • cutting by new contractor and invoicing: Noted, the comment from the contractor that the April cut had been difficult due to rainfall and invoicing would therefore begin from 1st May.

9.5 MUGA.

  • slippery surface: the contractor has been able to bring forward the annual maintenance, including jet washing, to 7th June.
  •  review of bolts: the contractor will include work on the basket ball arm during 7th June maintenance.

9.6 County Broadband order – Reading Room: There was discussion as to whether County Broadband could retract on the approved fibre broadband order for the Reading Room, due to its advertising this as free to all village halls where it supplies the service to local residents and whether legal advice should be sought. Agreed to request OFCOM to take up the matter.

10. RFO’s Financial Statements April 2024 and Budget Review:

Resolved to review certain categories of the budget allocations agreed for 2024/25, including RFO costs.

The Financial Report April 2024 and Budget Review March 2024 were proposed by Councillor Catmur, seconded by Councillor Pett and unanimously approved.

11.  Payments for Approval:
Resolved to look into the matter of the Dole Field rate, and whether formal recognition as a cemetery, of the recently acquired land for the cemetery extension, would make it zero rated.

The payments were proposed by Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Ginn and unanimously approved.

Payments for approval at the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 13th May 2024

Cheques/ Bank Transfers payable May 2024

1.         Mr R McIntosh (Garden of Remembrance) Inv 086 £7.50

2.         The Mower Shed (cut & strim churchyard) Inv 1795 £144.00

3.         The Mower Shed (cut & strim cemetery) Inv 1796 £156.00

4.         The Mower Shed (cut & strim churchyard) Inv 1815 £144.00

5.         The Mower Shed (cut & strim cemetery) Inv 1816 £156.00

6.         The Mower Shed (cut & strim churchyard) Inv 1830 £144.00

7.         The Mower Shed (cut & strim cemetery) Inv 1831 £156.00

8.         Playsafety Ltd (Annual inspection) Inv 78834 £192.00

9.         Gt Gransden Reading Room Cleaning (Jan-March) Inv 1050 £180.00

10.       DM Payroll Services (Payroll Admin 2024/25) Inv 3478                  £132.00

11.       NFU Mutual (Insurance renewal)                                                      £672.89

12.       Huntingdonshire DC (Cottage council tax for May)                          £176.00

13.       Clerk’s Salary – May 2024                                                                 £717.80

14.       RFO’s Salary – May 2024                                                                  £345.40

15.       HMRC Tax & NI (Month 1 ending 5 May 2024)                              £119.80

16        South Cambs DC (Dole Field Rates)                         Paid 3 May      £167.17    

Automated Payments payable May 2024

1.         DD                  BT – Broadband Reading Room                                  £47.86

                                    (13th May 2024)

2.         DD                  SSE – Street lighting                                                  £203.39

                                    (1st May 2024)

*Invoice expected, but not available in time for meeting

**Approximate amount.  Subject to slight variation. (Not available in time for meeting)

12. Parish Council Insurances for 1/6/2024-31/5/25. To consider the insurance schedules, renewal premiums and sums assured: Reading Room Cottage – The insurance renewal proposal was unanimously approved.

13. AGAR (Annual Governance & Accountability Return) 2023-24.

13.1 Review of Internal Controls: Agreed to look into bank accounts which will allow a minimum two signatories to confirm online payments.

13.2 Approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 – AGAR Section 1: Unanimously approved, with the proviso of the Minute 13.1 above.

13.3 Approval of the Accounting Statement 2023/24 – AGAR Section 2: Unanimously approved.

Councillors had been provided with the documentation listed below for the consideration of the AGAR 2023/24.

a) Payments 2023-24.

b) Receipts 2023-24.

c) Budget Review 2023-24

d) Budget Review Notes 2023-24.

e) Bank Reconciliation.

f)  Analysis of Variances (2022-23 to 2023-24).

g) Explanations of Variances relating to ‘High’ Reserves. – boxes refer to AGAR Section 2 and Analysis of Variance.

h) Asset List.

i)  Supporting Statement to the Accounts 2023-24.

j)  Blank AGAR form – showing Section 1 – page 4 and Section 2 – page 5.

Asset List: Noted that functional litter pickers are now fewer in number. The old play equipment on the Playing Field needs to be itemised rather than given as a total sum. The Asset List to be updated.

Thanks were expressed to Liz Woodfield, the relatively new RFO, for having produced the accounts documentation for the AGAR in such a short space of time.

14. Highways & Rights of Way

  • Any repairs or maintenance needed:
    • Church Street drain:
      the fairly recent repair is sinking. This has been reported.
    • Dick & Dolls Lane:
      gravel accumulation again. Councillor Ginn will contact the volunteers who periodically remove the gravel.
    • Little Lane:
      A rather rough cut of the hedge and grass has been done.
  • LHI bid – Caxton Road:
    The Highways meeting to revue and approve projects, including that of Caxton Road, has been postponed.
  • Caxton Road pavement:
    Appreciation was noted of the helpful volunteer work done to clear the soil and vegetation from the pavement.
  • A428 Social Value Fund:
    • Sportsfield car park surfacing application:
      Councillor Catmur will make the Stage 2 application for 100% funding. Updated quotes will be requested. Agreed the option with tarmac surfacing though more costly, was preferred, as likely to be more successful in respect of drainage and durability.

15. Correspondence.

15.1 Reading Room car park: Agreed that repair to the increasingly large holes would be undertaken, preferably within the next six weeks / two months. Councillor Capps agreed to action.

15.2 School Fete – 15th June 2024: The use of the Playing Field for the event was approved.

15.3 Gransden Show and Car Show dates: Concern was expressed about the two events taking place at the same time and on opposite sides of the road, with almost certain traffic and parking issues resulting.

15.4 A428 – Social Value Fund and Community Value Fund (2nd round now open May – July 2024): Noted.

16. Planning Applications:

  1. REF. 24/00595/FUL Reinstatement of a timber, open fronted, storage barn. 113 Meadow Road, Great Gransden Sandy SG19 3BB
    Proposed by Councillor Ginn, seconded by Councillor Pett, that the Parish Council recommend approval of this application to HDC.
  2. REF. 23/02198/FUL – Land West of 24 Little Gransden Lane, Great Gransden – points raised
    There is new information concerning the planning application. In this respect, Councillor Ginn will draft a letter to Development Control, HDC.

17. HR Committee Update. In line with the legislation below*, this item will be closed to the public.

The HR meeting was postponed until 3rd June.

18. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 3rd June 2024 which will commence at 7:30pm.

The meeting ended at 9:50 pm.

*‘Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

(2) A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.’