Minutes of the August 2024 meeting

The minutes of the August 2024 meeting are available in PDF form, primarily for offline reading and printing. Please note that all minutes are draft until approved at a subsequent Parish Council meeting, and in any conflict between the version below (provided for ease of access online) and the PDF version, the latter shall be deemed authoritative.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 5th August 2024

Those present were:

  • Parish Councillor Nick Ginn (chairman)
  • Parish Councillor Michael Capps
  • Parish Councillor Nigel Day            
  • Parish Councillor James Catmur (online, non-voting)
  • Parish Councillor Paul Greenland
  • Parish Councillor Cathy Davis
  • Parish Councillor Alan Rowbotham          

Also present: 4 members of the public.

1. The meeting was opened with a silent prayer.

2. Apologies for absence. 

Parish Councillors Chris Bane and Andrew Pett.

3. Declarations of Interest:

Councillor Rowbotham declared an interest as a neighbour, in item 17.3.

4. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st July: the Minutes were proposed by Councillor Capps, seconded by Councillor Greenland and approved nem con.

5. Open Forum:

  • Report from District Councillor James Catmur who highlighted key issues being brought forward by the new government including possible changes to planning regulations – house building targets, building design, ‘grey belt land’, social housing; transport; climate change, stance on E-W Rail and fast tracking of low carbon energy projects.
  • Aircraft noise over Great Gransden and Luton Airport expansion: A resident brought forward continued concerns on the subject. He asked if the Parish Council would respond to the CAA Luton airport flight paths ‘Post Implementation Review’ published 11th July 2024. Noted that the new date for feedback to the Review is 11th September. Agreed that the matter be on the Agenda of the 2nd September meeting of the Parish Council. It was noted that individuals should also respond to the CAA with their comments and concerns as this would carry additional weight.
  • Planning applications REF. 24/01234/LBC and 24/01235/HHFUL – 25, Fox Street, Great Gransden: The home owners noted that they had eventually had a useful pre-application meeting with HDC and the Conservation Officer had approved the plans in principle. Solar panels and air source heat pumps would be sited on the new building and an existing relatively modern garage. The applicants have also discussed their plans with neighbours and taken on board their comments.
  • Planning application REF. 24/01275/TREE – 2, Little Gransden Lane Great Gransden: Councillor Rowbotham noted that he approved the felling of the Beech tree, it being very close to his house, a listed building, and either root growth, falling branches or the tree being uprooted could cause extensive damage.

6. Matters Arising.

6.1 RoSPA Play Safety Inspection Reports – update and quotes:

Play equipment items: quotes yet to be obtained.

MUGA items: the bench by the MUGA has been repaired.

6.2 MUGA annual maintenance: The annual maintenance took place on 9th July. The missing bolt and rubber pad behind the southern goal head was put in place, as was another found missing on the northern goal. A local resident has noted that this has finally brought the noise level down more in line with the manufacturer’s claims, at least in the short term.

7. Playing Field lease – renewal: The draft of the lease renewal was approved. The associated map provided by HDC requires reworking. Agreed to arrange liaison with Barnabus Oley School and Cambs CC to finalise the documentation.

8. Winchfield greenspace: It is thought that Highways is probably responsible for this greenspace, despite lack of maintenance over many years. Residents have undertaken grass cutting for some years, but the trees now need attention. A Winchfield resident is meeting with Highways in mid-August to look at the matter.

9. Reading Room Cottage:

  • Maintenance works – house and garden: Agreed to look at resolving the remaining damp issues. Councillor Rowbotham and the Clerk to action.
  • Letting / Caretaker: Agreed to meet with the Reading Room Committee to discuss the future letting of the cottage and to develop preferred option(s) proposals.

10. Reading Room internet and phone provider – comparison of provision and costs: Review postponed to the September meeting.

11. Website provision:

Proposed by Councillor Ginn, seconded by Councillor Capps and unanimously agreed that the account with the current website should be continued for one year at a cost of £119.00.

Proposed by Councillor Ginn, seconded by Councillor Davis and unanimously agreed that in order to resolve the problems of inadequate email storage capacity, subscription be made for three new email accounts; for Councillor Day as IT Manager, the Clerk and the RFO at the additional cost of £11.66 / account / year.

12. Financial Regulations – review: Review of version 2 postponed to the September meeting.

13. RFO’s Financial Statements and Budget Review:

The Financial Report June 2024 and Budget Review June 2024 were proposed by Councillor Capps, seconded by Councillor Ginn and unanimously approved.

14. Payments for Approval:

The payments were proposed by Councillor Ginn, seconded by Councillor Greenland and unanimously approved.

Payments for approval at the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 5th August 2024

Cheques/ Bank Transfers payable August 2024

1. Mr R McIntosh (Garden of Remembrance): £7.50 *

2. The Mower Shed (cut & strim churchyard 17 July) Inv 1917: £144.00

3. The Mower Shed (cut & strim cemetery 17 July) Inv 1918: £156.00

4. The Mower Shed (cut & strim cemetery 18 June ) Inv 1884: £156.00

5. Brookfield Contracting (cut sportsfield 24 June) Inv 2879: £168.00

6. Huntingdonshire DC (cottage council tax for August): £176.00

7. ETC Sports Surfaces (MUGA maintenance): £840.00

8. Gt Gransden Reading Room (Gardening/Cleaning 31 March – 7 July): £395.00

9. Balfour Beatty (Maintenance Contract): £496.80

10. Balfour Beatty (Caxton Road LED Upgrade): £497.29

11. Charlie Vince Tree Surgery (stump grinding): £870.00

12. Reading Room Cottage Insurance (unoccupied): £1026.26

13. Mr Andrew Pett (Microsoft 365 July & August): £3.98

14. Mr Brian Woodfield (new back door lock for Reading Room cottage): £12.99

15. Vinnell & Son (bench seat repairs & decorations): £346.00

16. Cambs County Council (contribution to LHI Scheme): £1967.75

17. B & E Woodfield (Cottage deposit refund): £850.00

18. Clerk’s Salary – August 2024: £717.80

19. RFO’s Salary – August 2024: £345.40

20. HMRC Tax & NI (Month 2 ending 5 August 2024): £120.00

Automated Payments payable August 2024

1. DD BT – Broadband Reading Room: £47.86

    (11th August 2024)

2. DD SSE – Street lighting: £196.82

    (DD went out on 31st July)

*Invoice expected, but not available in time for meeting

**Approximate amount. Subject to slight variation. (Not available in time for meeting)

15. Highways & Rights of Way

  • Any repairs or maintenance needed:
  • Roundabout – junction Church Street / Crow Tree Street / Middle Street:

A volunteer(s) is / are sought to look after the planting and plant maintenance on the roundabout.

  • Hole in road outside the Hall: Councillor Ginn will report.
  • Vegetation on Highways land outside the old pub, needing management: Councillor Ginn with report.
  • Street light PC12: Agreed to the request that the lamp be passed on for upcycling.
  • 24-1323 Proposed TTRO – Potton Road (C174), Abbotsley 17/09/24 to 19/09/24: Noted.
  • LHI bid – Caxton Road: A response is awaited to the LHI presentation by Councillor Catmur, at the Highways meeting of 27th June.

16. Correspondence.

16.1 Banner for Fox Street Tavern events: Approved; the banner to be hung on the Reading Room gate for a few days before each event.

16.2 Lithium ion Battery Safety Bill – request to support the bill: Agreed the support of the Parish Council to the bill.

16.3 Local energy initiative: Noted that there are grants available for community energy projects including for wind and solar. Agreed to request Councillor Bane to bring forward the review of options to 2nd September Parish Council meeting.

16.4 Community Energy Action Plan, CCC – consultation: Noted, 16th September end date for response to the CCC consultation. Agreed, discussion of the response at 2nd September Parish Council Meeting.

16.5 Active Travel Hierarchy, CCC – consultation: Noted, 16th September end date for response to the CCC consultation. Agreed, discussion of the response at 2nd September Parish Council Meeting.

17. Planning Applications:

17.1 REF. 24/01234/LBC – 25 Fox Street Great Gransden Sandy, Single storey rear extension to outbuilding, including solar panels, air source apparatus and ancillary development.

17.2 REF. 24/01235/HHFUL25 Fox Street Great Gransden Sandy, Single storey rear extension to outbuilding, including solar panels, air source apparatus, and ancillary development.

17.1 and 17.2 were considered together, one application being the Listed Building Consent. The Parish Council recommended approval to HDC, of the directly related planning applications. It was noted that the applicants had undertaken discussion with neighbours and it is now considered a sympathetic development proposal addressing all concerns previously raised.

17.3. REF. 24/01275/TREE – 2 Little Gransden Lane Great Gransden Sandy:

Proposed by Councillor Ginn, seconded by Councillor Capps, with two abstentions and one interest declared, that the application be recommended to HDC for approval. Also recommended to HDC, that there should be a planning condition for the planting of a suitable smaller tree to replace the felled Beech. There was general concern that the lovely Beech tree needed to be felled rather than managed. It was considered that felling should not create a precedence. However, it was recognised that is rather close to old listed cottages and that it has grown back vigorously after past management.

18. HR Committee Update: In line with the legislation below*, this item was closed to the public.

19. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 2nd September 2024, to commence at 7:30pm.

The meeting ended at 9:25pm.

* ‘Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

(2) A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.’