Minutes of meeting on 6 September 2021

(For agenda, see earlier post. The minutes are also available in PDF form. Minutes are draft until approved at a later PC meeting.)

Those present were:

  • Giles Scott, Chairman;
  • Peter King, Parish Councillor;
  • Nick Ginn, Vice Chairman;
  • James Catmur, Parish Councillor;
  • Catherine Fox, Clerk;
  • Nigel Day, Parish Councillor;
  • Michael Capps, Parish Councillor;
  • Andrew Pett, Parish Councillor;
  • Vikki Murphy, Parish Councillor;
  • Cathy Davis, Parish Councillor;
  • District Councillor West;

and 23 members of the public.

1. The meeting was opened at 7:30 pm with a silent prayer. 

2. Apologies. Apologies were received from County Councillor Stephen Ferguson. Cathy Davis signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form and was welcomed to the meeting by the Chairman.

3. Declarations of Interest. Councillor Day declared a disposable pecuniary interest in item 11.5 on the agenda and also the interest of his wife (who was present at the meeting) under the relative’s clause. 

4. Minutes of the previous full Parish Council meeting held on the 2nd August 2021 and of the meetings of the Planning sub -committee held on 9th August 2021 and 23rd August 2021 were approved and signed accordingly by the Chairman.

5. OPEN FORUM. The meeting was closed for 15 minutes.

District Councillor West gave a very brief report, commenting on the delayed responses from officers at HDC who are still working from home as Pathfinder house remains closed for refurbishments. There were no further updates on Sand Road nor on the East West Railway.

One resident spoke in favour of the planning application at item 12.1, highlighting the positive aspects of the positioning, design and viability of the proposal. It was highlighted that there was no village boundary and that therefore the modest development did not fall outside of it. The proposal lies outside of the conservation area and is within the letter and spirit of the current NDP draft.

Several members of the public expressed concerns around the current status of the Crown and Cushion; expressing considerable strength of feeling around the value of the pub as a village asset and the significant loss that its closure would bring to the village as a whole. Several villagers conveyed their disappointment at the seeming lack of action by the Parish Council and questioned the transparency of the current situation and the integrity of some of the Councillors. This was acknowledged by the Chair who will issue a formal response. (Attached as Appendix 3)  In anticipation of the turn out in relation to the Crown and Cushion, the Parish Council had prepared an explanatory statement to be read out when the item is considered formally at item 11.5.

6. Matters Arising.

6.1 Neighbourhood Plan – Update from David Prest.

As Chairman of the Steering Group, David Prest attended the meeting. The draft plan had been sent to HDC and their comments had been received. A meeting will be required with HDC to clarify some of the points that had been raised. Rachel Hogger (Cambs ACRE) had suggested a policy in principle around a rural exception site which would allow for affordable houses to be built for people with a Great Gransden link. Similarly, a policy in principle was suggested around future investment in the school to allow for the growing number of pupils expected from within the village as a result of increased building.

The NDP has been drafted and managed to this point by the Steering group but ultimately, the Parish Council must take ownership of the final document and of its implementation. A working group comprising of three Councillors was suggested who would continue to work with the steering group but would form a quorum that would allow them to act on behalf of the full Parish Council. This was proposed by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Ginn and unanimously agreed with the nominated Councillors being Councillor Day, Councillor Pett, Councillor Catmur and Councillor King.

6.2 Bin Rota. Councillors discussed the new bin rota which had been circulated. It was noted that historically, at the same time as emptying the bins Parish Councillors had been signing to record a visual check of the playing field and the play equipment, in order to satisfy insurance and risk assessment requirements. It was unanimously agreed that this should continue with a template to be sent to all councillors. This will be completed and returned to the Clerk after every visit so that a central record can be held.

6.3 Installation of new bench in the playing field. Following discussions at the meeting held on 2nd August 2021, quotations had been sought by the Clerk round the costs of correctly installing a larger picnic style bench in the playing field. One contractor had quoted in the region of £550.00. However, Cambourne Parish Council had offered to do the installation at cost price. Exact costings were not available at the time of the meeting so this item will be reconsidered in October.

6.4 Damage to the Lych Gate. The Lych gate has suffered some minor damage and is in need of repair. Following enquiries made by the Clerk, HDC have confirmed that ‘from the information given; repairing the gate latch and the few damaged cobbles and tiles in relation to St Bartholomew’s Church, and replacing with like for like, will not require planning permission or Listed Building Consent, as the work is very small in nature and is likely to be covered under an ecclesiastical exemption’. 

Therefore, the Parish Council are free to undertake the necessary repair works.

7. Play Equipment – Working Group Report.

Councillor Pett reported that the visit by the working group had taken place. The purpose of the visit had been to assess the scale of works needed (as recommended by the ROSPA report) and the feasibility of the works being undertaken by a working party of Councillors and members of the community. It was agreed that it would be preferable to look to carry out the work using volunteers where possible, but it was noted that some equipment may be required such as a generator to power electrical tools. It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk would put a message in the Roundabout magazine asking for support with carrying out the work itself and also with the loan of any tools/equipment that may be required. 

9. Financial Statement for August 2021.  The sheet filed as Appendix No. 1 had been circulated.  The statement was unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman.  Councillors also noted the budget review as at the end of August 2021. 

10. Cheques for approval.  The following payments were approved:

(Proposed Councillor Pett, seconded by Councillor Capps)

Lees Locks and Keys
(Emergency lock replacement RR Cottage)
ETC Sports Surfaces£120.00*

Cheques/ Bank Transfers payable September 2021

1Clerk’s expenses for August 2021£ 46.68
2HMRC – PAYE (period ending 5th Oct 21)£ 24.80
3Buchans Landscaping & Grounds Maintenance£ 292.84
4The Mower Shed (Invoice 1030)£ 120.00
5The Mower Shed (Invoice 1047)£ 120.00
6JP Services (new water main at Tennis Club)
(As agreed at item 6.5 of minutes dated 5th Oct 2020)
£ 6,720.00
7Mr R McIntosh (Garden of Remembrance – Aug 2021)£ 15.00
8Caretaker Salary –September 2021
(28th September 2021)
£ 684.18
9Clerk’s Salary – September 2021
(28th September 2021)
£ 704.25

Automated Payments payable September 2021

1DD (1st September 2021) SSE£ 112.53
2DD (11th September 2021) BT – Broadband Reading Room £ 30.16
3DD (16th September 2021)SSE£ 106.33

* This invoice covers repair to the MUGA surface where it was vandalised just after opening. It is a low figure because Councillors agreed it could wait until contractors were in the local area doing other jobs. This was originally scheduled to be in June 2020 (see item 15.3 of minutes dated 2nd March 2020) but due to Covid was rescheduled. Payment made in accordance with 14 day payment terms on completion of work on 30th July 2021.

10. Highways.

Councillors reported no new potholes but raised the following issues:

10.1 The cracked manhole cover on the cross roads of Fox Street/Caxton Road still has not been repaired despite being reported to Highways on several occasions. County Councillor Ferguson has been out to visit the site and has also reported it. Clerk to contact Highways again as a matter of urgency.

10.2 The surface dressing signs on Caxton road are obstructive to larger vehicles. Clerk to contact Highways to ask for their removal.

10.3 Roots of trees have caused bumps along the footpath on Caxton Road between Fox Street and Audley Close. These have previously been reported but Clerk to raise again with Highways.

11. Correspondence

Councillor Day left the meeting.

11.1 LHI Bid 2022/2023. Councillors noted the closing date for applications of 30th September 2021. Councillors agreed that an application should be made in light of the significant concerns around the increased weight of traffic expected during the period of works on the A428.  Councillor Scott will look over the additional measures previously discussed, look at the past paper proposals and convene a working group to draft a proposal for submission before the deadline.

11.2 Signage at the Pond. Councillors reconsidered the request for a small sign to be fitted to the existing pole at the pond, warning drivers of the possibility of wildfowl in the road. It was unanimously agreed that a small sign should be purchased and installed at a cost of £31.83 exc VAT. (Proposed Councillor Scott, seconded Councillor Catmur)

11.3 Phone Box – Request for Adoption. Councillors considered the information sent by a resident around the possibility of the Parish Council adopting the red phone box on Middle Street for the nominal cost of £1. After adoption, the community will be asked how they wish to see the phone box being used and will be invited to make suggestions around its future. Clerk to instigate the process of adoption. (Proposed Councillor Capps, seconded by Councillor Catmur and unanimously approved).

11.4 Information Sign at the Windmill. Councillors considered the request from Little Gransden Parish Council for permission to install an information sign at the Windmill. Councillors unanimously agreed, acknowledging the benefits to all of such a sign. As the windmill is technically within Great Gransden, Councillors agreed that they would offer a financial contribution towards the cost of the sign – payable from the small sum set aside for the Windmill.

11.5 Crown and Cushion Reopening Enquiry.  In light of the high levels of interest in this item, Councillor Scott had prepared a statement on behalf of the Parish Council, highlighting its position in this situation, explaining the powers and limitations of the ACV listing and also objectively explaining the courses of action that could be taken. It was reiterated that the Parish Council could support but not lead any community action.  A copy of the statement is available as a separate post

12. Planning

Erection of a single, 4 bedroom dwelling with attendant access and landscaping work.
Land Adjacent To The North West Of 43 Mill Road Great Gransden

Councillors considered the revised plans that had been submitted. Previously, an application for a single dwelling on the same site had been considered and subsequently refused on the grounds that it was outside of the built-up area and a departure from the Local Plan. Similarly, in the past HDC had also refused the application on the grounds that ‘a proposed new dwelling on this greenfield site would represent a significant encroachment of built development in the countryside causing adverse harm to the intrinsic rural character of the surrounding area, this identified harm will significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the scheme’

Councillors acknowledged that there was currently no village boundary and that the new building plans were very different.

However, the site in question is still the same, and therefore, the reasons that the Parish Council previously gave for refusal remain unchanged.

Therefore, Councillors voted to maintain their consistent approach to applications such as these by recommending refusal. This was proposed by Councillor Scott and seconded by Councillor Pett with 6 votes in favour and 1 abstention.

Councillor Day re-joined the meeting

13. Review of Caretaker Contract

In line with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 this item was considered in closed session.

14.Date of next Meeting

The Next Meeting has been arranged for Monday 4th October 2021 at 7:30pm

This meeting closed at 9.33pm